Wednesday, January 29, 2014

juice fast

there comes a time when i have to say to myself… connie, enough is enough, no more daily indulgences like candy cane chocolate and ice cream and carbs galore.  because what happens is that i want to eat more of that stuff, have low energy, become lazy, bloated and grouchy, there's weight gain and just feeling and looking blah.   so, i did a juice cleanse!   

i have heard wonderful things about juicing from friends and they love it.  i have wanted to try it for a such a long time now so when stefan agreed to do it with me it wasn’t so scary anymore.  for 3 days we consumed 100% raw fruit and vegetable juice 5 times a day with a simple salad of kale and apple for dinner.  that #1 was pretty delicious (apple, carrot and beet) but that #5 (tomato, cucumber, celery, parsley, and lime) was gross.

we bought organic fruit and vegetables, prepped them ourselves (time-consuming!) and used our awesome new juicer (it works brilliantly!).  we used the juice cleanse recipes from spud bc (next time we’ll just get them to deliver the ingredients and save the multiple trips to the store!). 

i felt really good during and afterwards.  i feel energized and light, like it was exactly what my body needed.  i did it for three more days... six consecutive days in total!  and the most surprising thing was that i didn't feel starving or anything.  i have now continued to nurture my body with a juice or two daily while paying attention to eating healthier (with the occasional treat :)... the ultimate indulgence.

would you ever consider a juice fast?  this documentary is compelling. and this video about a couple doing the master cleanse (not for me!) is funny.

ps. i haven't forgotten about my 52 weeks post, check back later this afternoon if you like.

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