Monday, January 27, 2014

weekend pics, food cart fest

we headed to the mountain again - kai in ski lessons, stefan desperately wanting to snowboard but there hasn't been a snow fall for awhile so he tagged along with me to snowshoe up dam mountain.  and while it doesn't seem doable when we start off, we manage to make it to top... it's a heart pounding activity that, i think, is slowly getting easier with each passing week.  it was clear and sunny on the mountain while the city was under fog and cold. 

can you spot kai?
we lunched at the food carts both saturday and sunday... at the farmer's market stefan and i ate at the feastro where i indulged in a fish taco and he had the jerk chicken taco. kai will always choose eli's serious sausage.  on sunday, heading home after our snow hike, we stopped by the art gallery where more street food feasting was happening. this time i devoured vij's butter chicken snitchel while stefan tried the shawarma wrap from mangal kiss.  and we know what kai ate :)  there were macaroons too, from bel cafĂ© which is conveniently across from the art gallery... i had their peanut butter and jelly one and it was pure deliciousness.


forever and always during the fall/winter months, kai has a weekly soccer game.  he loves this sport with his whole being.  so much so that even after an early start on sunday morning to be on the mountain, he still had the energy to change into his "soccer clothes" and head outdoors to play more soccer with his dad.  he feel asleep while i was reading to him. needless to say, he was a tired and content boy.



hope you had a lovely weekend, one filled with gorgeous food and fun activities too. 

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