Friday, January 24, 2014

the power of empathy

please watch this wonderful animated short feature about empathy.  specifically it teaches the difference between empathy and sympathy.  the ability to imagine oneself in another's shoes is not instinctual for many people.  dr. brene brown explains empathy and sympathy so perfectly and articulately.  she says, "empathy is a choice, and it's a vulnerable choice because in order to connect with you, i have to connect with something in myself that knows that feeling." 

and if you are in the reading kind of mood:

connected parenting through empathic interactions with our children.  jennifer kolari spells out the abc's of empathy.  if you get a chance to see her speak, do so.  otherwise pick up her book.  empathy is a powerful tool and i encourage you to learn it and use it over and over in all of your relationships.  and especially with your children.  it really does work! 
what to do when you've made someone angry?  empathize.  simple but not so easy.

have a lovely weekend.

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