Tuesday, May 13, 2014

a dream kitchen

the kitchen in my house is small.  despite it, stefan cooks up a storm in there and turns out some amazing food.  kai has always helped out in the kitchen, observing his cooking, getting to help with small jobs and now he helps out more with prepping and actually cooking (he is famous for scrambling the perfectly cooked egg).  these days, he also helps with clean up although he would much rather be causing the mess. 

i dream of a bigger kitchen but since we are not moving anytime soon, i'll have to opt for a more stylish one in the meantime.  here are some lovely kitchens.  what do you think, would you want to cook in these spaces?

love the backsplash

love the brass accents

love the hints of colour

love the light and dark mix
love the mix of white and wood and that bench!

love the kitchen by the garden vibe

love the counter space

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