Friday, May 9, 2014

weekend pics - mother's day

on sunday night, as i slipped into bed with kai to read a story and doze beside him i felt incredibly grateful for a lovely day of lounging, strolling, obstacle course racing, eating ice cream, and being silly with my kai. 

while in bed with him i noticed those little things that usually annoy me, his lego pieces strewn about the floor, his clothing in a pile on the bathroom floor but then it hit me.  i realized i love "seeing" kai around the house... his dirty socks under the coffee table, his drawings displayed on the kitchen wall, crumbs on the sofa from a snack he had earlier that day, his homework strewn across the dining table, the loomed bracelet he made hanging on a door knob... they are a stamp of my motherhood.  a reminder that kai was here. 

this past year of mothering has been amazing, emotionally exhausting and significant... moments when i was A+ mothering and others of feeling terribly weak but you know what?  i'm forever grateful for the chance to get to experience it all.

i'm a lucky girl. i get to be kai's mother.

"the next time you walk me to school you can kiss me."
tuff kid race challenge for kids and mamas


i hope you mamas had a happy day.

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