Friday, June 6, 2014

peanut butter banana gluten-free muffins

photographic evidence that i don't belong in the kitchen:
last night kai and i decided to make muffins.  we love peanut butter so when i came across this recipe i knew it was written just for us.  and the bonus?  all ingredients are thrown into a blender!  how easy it that, right?
kai did all the work, assembling the ingredients and tossing them into the blender.  he did his part perfectly.  with each ingredient added we were getting giddy with anticipation - we were looking forward to devouring them.  then he switched it on. 
the bowl jumped right out of the base and the ingredients splattered!  evidently, i didn't screw the bowl in tightly.  after the shock and the yelling (from me, "turn it off! turn if off! right now!") and kai's tears dried up, he said "all of that peanut butter is ruined."  i felt like i failed him.  a fun and delicious activity turned into tears and a big kitchen mess.
carrot cake from our neighbourhood café, the wicked, saved the evening.  and this morning we are able to laugh about it. 

peanut butter banana gluten-free muffins
ingredients you will need
1½ cup peanut butter
3 ripe medium sized bananas (mashed)
3 large eggs
1½ tsp vanilla
2 tbsp of honey
1 tbsp coconut sugar (optional)
1 tsp baking soda
1½ tsp apple cider vinegar
what to do
preheat oven to 400 degrees.
place all ingredients into a blender or food processor.
blend until well mixed. (stop your blender or food processor a few times and scrap the sides to make sure everything mixes evenly)
pour batter into greased muffin tins or use cupcake liners
optional: add a few chocolate chips to the top of each muffin before baking
bake for 10-15 minutes.
optional: when they come out of the oven, drizzle some melted peanut butter over top of each one.
kai and i plan on trying again.  in the meantime, if you try them, let me know if they are as moist and delicious as i think they will. 

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