Tuesday, June 10, 2014

weekend pics - granville island, rice lake, and italian day

while kai was kayaking (the first of three lessons) stefan and i enjoyed edible canada's summer take-out window, the chip wagon.  the fish's batter crispy and the fries perfect.  i then meandered around granville island like a tourist... something i wish i could do more often.  there is so much to explore - galleries, food, shops, cafes, and entertainers.  we feel so lucky to live near such a lovely little oasis.

local strawberries are in!

a bread affair makes such delicious breads.

while kai was mountain biking (he is a busy boy these next few weeks!) stefan and i wandered into the lynn canyon woods again.  this time we headed to rice lake and beyond.  it was a beautiful vancouver day.

so glad we didn't run into bears!

the three of us got together for a couple of hours during italian day on the drive.  cannoli, corn on the cob and a nice thick italian capicola sandwich hit the spot perfectly.  we played a round of boccie; it's a game i wish i were better at but enjoy nevertheless.  and the music?  well, it takes me back to my childhood of attending many traditional italian weddings (and i'm going to one when i visit toronto this summer, can't wait!).


grape stomping competition!



sardines... only if the line-up wasn't so very long!

kai wouldn't let go of my hand... i may have lost him once at a festival :(

corn on the cob at festivals always taste so good!

i hope you had a lovely weekend.

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