Friday, June 20, 2014

we are 17.

tomorrow will be our seventeenth anniversary.  best decision i ever made.
that cutie in the middle row looking smart with his brown vest had no idea then he would move to canada and meet his future wife two brief weeks after landing in toronto.  he had no idea he would have to eat copious amounts of homemade italian food to impress his mother-in-law, including pig skin :)  he had no idea he would be a papa to a beautiful boy. 
so much happens in seventeen years (lots of goodness to be grateful for that's for sure) and although we don't know what the future holds i hope it will be filled with many more adventures together.
to celebrate, we'll be attending spamalot (he loves monty python) and probably eat somewhere delicious.  i hope you have lovely plans for the weekend too. 

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