Tuesday, June 24, 2014

weekend pics, ruben's visit

this first official summer weekend was a splendid one.  what with my nephew ruben staying with us, the laughter of boys, and a few child-free hours to celebrate an anniversary, it was a splendid weekend.

ruben and kai with screens.  inevitable, of course :)  nerfs and swords were involved too. 


ruben joined kai during his kayak lesson and then the boys ran about the waterpark like the boys they are.  they had such an awesome saturday afternoon.  it all took place at vancouver's beloved granville island.





btw, you'll love spamalot if you you love monty python... stefan enjoyed it.
ruben loved kai's super fast remote car.  he took it everywhere - the park, the mountain, to dinner.  on one of those occasions we encountered a two year old who was both fascinated by the car yet and weary of it - whenever the car came too near he would point at it and tell it to "go back!"  thinking about it gives me the giggles.  two year olds are awesome.

ruben and the rest of us devoured our bowls of noodles at the union. so. very. delicious.  and there was ice cream too :)

 ruben and kai enjoyed some good old-fashion play at the playground.

ruben in lynn canyon for a short hike before we, sadly, handed him back to his parents.  they were in whistler participating in the tough mudder - take a peek.  crazy, right?  they ensured us it was a lot of fun.





my boys and i ended the weekend with our friends darrin and alexia, enjoying sandwiches from tractor and (more!) ice cream from rain or shine. 

the weekend was so much fun.  we miss you ruben!

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