Thursday, April 9, 2015

stockholm weekend pics, varmdo, part two

it was a great long weekend.  rocky coastline, fresh air, springtime sprinkling of snow, chic farm stay, cute animals, invigorating hikes in a fairy-tale forest setting... just some the things we experienced this weekend in värmdö.  truly, i didn't want to come home.  our stay in värmdö has me dreaming of moving the three of us to the archipelago for our second year of living in stockholm. 

our first hike took us to the bullero nature reserve.  kai wants to build a cottage right there on the rocks overlooking the ocean... and i think it's a swell idea!  he would have happily explored, climbed, and played on those rocks all day if we didn't drag him away... hail was falling to which kai was oblivious and we ran for cover!  i couldn't blame him for wanting to stay/live here, the stunning views and mossy rocks are straight out of a fairy-tale setting (my pics do not do this environment any justice!). 

we drove to the very north of mainland varmdo to explore.   here we found a couple of communities of summer homes.  some of the houses were huge while others were tiny.  the coastline was dotted with these houses that were mostly painted in either yellow or brick red.

then we went south to the peninsula of fagelbrolandet.  in stavsnas, on the eastern end, right by the ferry port, we explored a small forested area and much to kai's delight we found a lovely little cove.  and much to my delight we stumbled upon a cute little village of small red cottages all lined up and ready to welcome their people come summer.

much treasure was collected this weekend.  i laughed so hard, i ate well, i roamed the wild and beautiful nature that is stockholm's archipelago, and i had my boys without any distractions getting in the way.    

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