Tuesday, August 4, 2015

in a tent

a couple of weeks ago kai and i went camping with ximena and her girlies.  i'm usually a big wuss when it comes to camping because i have an insane fear of bears but sweden is bear free!  so, i was totally game to go camping and to do so without husbands (in bear country husbands usually sacrifice themselves for their wives safety ;)).

anyway, camping was fun and relaxing except for the ten minute walk hauling our stuff - we didn't pack minimally - from the car to the campsite (actually, it would have been useful to bring the husbands along :)).  the kids were a great help though.  you can camp anywhere in sweden as long as you respect your environment and pack up all of your trash.  in tyresta national park, ximena found us a perfect spot by the lake, near hiking trails, and wild blueberries for picking.  

the weather was so-so.  mostly cloudy and cold but periodically the sun would shine through and lather us with warmth.  the kids didn't seem to mind either way.  they happily chopped wood, ran through the woods, and even dared to go for a swim in the cold lake.

ximena, who is super outdoorsy, brought along all her cooking essentials, a camping stove, basic tools, utensils, enamel plates and cups and even a teapot (love her!).  we ate very well.  chicken kebabs with veggies (thanks stefan for preparing these and the banana bread too!), omelets, yogurt with just picked wild blueberries and granola, pasta with tomato sauce.  of course, there was marshmallows too.  food cooked over a perfect fire tastes like the best thing in the world. 

the kiddos slept in the big tent while ximena and i slept in the smaller one.  i'm so glad i brought my wooly socks for my cold feet at night (thanks for the suggestion cecelia!).  the kids talked long into the night, making up stories and singing, you can't help but overhear with just a nylon sheet between us.  it was too cute.

we spent one day hiking along wooden paths, across rocky coastlines, and beautiful trees.  i love the swedish landscape.  we collected blueberries along the way although one of us did more eating than collecting (ahem, kai).  we stopped for lunch by a spot along the trail and it was finally warm enough that it lured some of us to dip into the frigid lake. 

camping is so worth it.  to wake up in the morning when it's chilly and drink a cup of warm tea that your friend brought back to the tent for you.  letting the kids run wild in nature, get dirty, and swim across the lake.   sitting by the campfire at night - although it doesn't get very dark in sweden during the summer months - drinking tea spiked with grand marnier and making s'mores - is pretty lovely.

saturday afternoon and evening

blueberry picking the swedish way!

sunday morning

i found someone in a hammock...

getting breakfast ready

sunday afternoon

he wasn't sure he wanted to go in then, moments later, he slipped on the rocks and fell in.

"what's the secret password?"

the only thing i would bring with me next time is my pillow from home.  and, get one of these (kidding, it made me laugh).  oh, and maybe next time it would be nice not to be sick - all winter i was healthy then i get a cold in the middle of summer - so thanks ximena for taking charge and doing the heavy lifting :)

can't wait until there's a next time!

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