Thursday, November 9, 2017

birthday celebration in the woods, part 1 of 2

i have never been one for a birthday party, even as a little girl, with balloons, friends and cake.  i much prefer a quiet little getaway with my two favourite people.  so off we went into the woods for a dinner and sleepover...

my birthday celebration started off stomping through muddy woods.. i got stuck in the mud and when i tried to pull my foot out, it slipped right out of my rubber boot and to not fall over i placed my socked foot right back into the mud, ankle high!!!

we arrived in the late afternoon and, once past the muddy path, wow, stedsans in the woods is such a special place with tents scattered among the trees. at the boathouse, we were greeted with a glass of champagne and cozy sheepskins on benches to sit on.  kai spent lots of time chopping wood.  and then while i meandered the woods - changed into dry socks and goretex boots - stefan and kai took the kayak out onto the lake.



the 6 course meal was fresh, simple and delicious.  with no electricity, most cooking is done over fire.  each dish was paired with a wine, even kai received a pairing of homemade tonics.  a few favourite dishes included warmed carrots drizzled with a bechamel-like sauce, simple, right?  but so good, kai and i couldn't get enough.  my favourite was the mushroom dish served with potatoes, herbs and butter based sauce. oh, and the fish was perfection, cooked while snuggled among the stones in the fire.  

most ingredients come from stedsan's own farm, wild from the forest or a nearby lake.  all the food is fresh... fished and/or harvested that day.  helbaek gave a lovely speech before we sat down to dinner, emphasizing the need to get back to nature and take care of our planet.

we ate by candlelight in the greenhouse because by the time dinner was served it was pitch black.  we were bundled up in our coats, mitts, scarves and hats too.  the dessert was eaten out by the fire pits... apples cut up and warmed over the fire then honey and brown sugar was added. it's been a long while since i tasted really good apple 'pie'... but then, i think anything tastes better when cooked outdoors over an open fire. 

sleeping in a beduin tent without a working gas stove made for a cold night but wearing layers under blankets and blankets, we managed.   it rained heavily during the night - actually it started to rain as we made our way back to the tent using the light from our phone and thankfully we found it much easier than the first time.  but, we awoke to sunshine.

and, breakfast was everything i hoped... homemade yogurt from stedsan's own cow, freshly baked bread, cheese from the local cheese mongers and of course, eggs (my favourite).  they serve really good coffee (according to stefan) and herbal teas made from plants in the forest.
pic taken from stedans in the woods website


after breakfast, we took the floating sauna out onto the lake and while stefan jumped right in, courageously!, kai and i dipped in using the hatch inside the sauna; it was pretty cool. and you know, it's nice to surprise your body with a cold dip, the body feels tingly and good and a long while after. 

take a peek at this article about why a cold dip is good for you.  

and then by noon, we ventured back into the real world.  we loved our nature getaway... mud, freezing water and all ;)

our hosts' vision and commitment to their natural elements is something special... no electricity, dry toilets, recycled water, plenty of candles scattered through the forest and of course, the local seasonal ingredients.  so happy to have found this place and experience it with my boys even though one of them was a tad grumpy by the cold (can you guess which one? no, the bigger one!).

take a peek at this article where mette helaek is interviewed... when stedsans was a greenhouse restaurant located on a rooftop in denmark. so glad they moved to the woods!

birthday celebration part 2, sweet varberg, tomorrow.

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