Monday, February 12, 2018

stockholm weekend pics, vinterviken

first, i need to find my boys. with a forgotten phone at home, just an idea of where i was to meet them, at a new-to-me sport's hall.  kai is trying out for a soccer team and his dad is with him for moral support. i ask around to no avail.

i walk along the frozen lake. then again and again. i find a sport's hall but the wrong one. snow covered boardwalks. i walk to the cafe, surely stefan is needing his coffee about now.  nope.  then the snowflakes start to fall as i walk among the allotment gardens which are barren this time of year except for the falling snow.  so pretty.

the snow falls harder, i head towards the cafe again to take cover. i am famished and order the smoked salmon salad, it's huge and satisfying. without a book or phone, i people watch.  it's actually quite nice. then, my boys arrive. they found me.

we eat semla, the almond paste is made from scratch and it's delicious.  we walk along another frozen lake towards home together.  the three of us.




what a lovely winter day.

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