Friday, June 1, 2018

a new home!

*update: new posts added if you scroll back to may 2018, i like to keep things in order! 

it's been quiet over here on the blog... 

a month of sunshine has me outdoors as much as possible... summer in the spring, in stockholm!  the swedes and my boys & i are enjoying every bit of it.  i post photos on instagram, if you are curious about a sunny and warm stockholm.

and, we were house hunting, bidding, packing (still packing) and all that comes with it... sorting, donating, throwing out, etc.  these tasks have consumed most of my free time when i am not working or parenting. i'm loving it but now, towards the end, it's taking its toll and i just want to be moved already.

yes, we bought our very own place in stockholm!  and it's almost time to move in, just a few days away. actually, stefan just picked up the keys this afternoon. i am quite excited to organize a new home for us. so, so excited :)

once we are in the new place and done with summer travel plans, i will get back to filling up this blog with content for you and for me.  i love that i created this space and so grateful that you choose to visit. 

please be patient with me as i slowly cull and edit summer and travel photos, i'll be back. 

happy summer,


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