Friday, May 11, 2012

momma love

ali smith celebrates motherhood through pictures, capturing mothers in moments of motherhood, giving mothers a voice and bringing to light their reality.  i can't wait for her book, momma love: how the mother half live.  if you have some time, do visit her website and read about her momma love documentary.  i hope you find it as inspiring as i did.

about her book (due out mother's day 2013), ali writes:

Momma Love is not only about the love a mother shows. It’s about the love she is shown, by herself and the world around her... The details and rituals of motherhood largely go unnoticed and are taken for granted. They are talked about among mothers in private places—in toy-strewn living rooms, in kitchens, or over the phone while a child throws a tantrum on the floor nearby. To an outsider, motherhood seems like a profoundly important secret society, one that I started this project to understand more fully... Each woman I photographed for this project has the truth of her experience to offer. In creating this book I have attempted to bring a community to light, creating a patchwork-quilt of advice, empathy, reflection, commiseration, opinion, anger, assurance, and love. In order to nurture healthier mothers and a healthier society, honest conversations about the realities of motherhood and how mothers are treated are necessary.

i love the realness of these photographs, ali captures motherhood perfectly.  visit momfilter (where i copied these photos from), a little blurb about their life as a mother accompanies each picture.  enjoy.  and a happy mother's day to you!
and, while we patiently wait for the book to become available, watch the video trailer for momma love.

 have a lovely weekend!

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