Monday, May 14, 2012

weekend pics

this was not a productive weekend but a relaxing one for sure. to wit, watching a circus show, eating ice cream, time with friends, mother's day brunch, reading a stack of magazines, playing in our green space. 

suffice it to say, it was busy relaxation!

the teen performers at circuswest (the circus school kai attends throughout the year) put on a brilliant show. blue sky circus: a stellar circus spectacle had the kids soaring thorough space helping to save earth from impending alien doom.  it featured aerial artistry, juggling, acrobatics, and much more.  kai invited a friend along and after the show we enjoyed some pizza and ice cream. 


we spent time with one of our favourite families, the phillips, eating take out thai and enjoying homemade sorbet and biscotti.  the desserts were prepared by aadishri, the 16 year old daughter whose awesomeness i have posted about before.  we were spoiled folks - everyone should have friends like the phillips.  just one thing, make sure they don't live in the forest where bears apparently wander the streets! not kidding.  true story.  seriously.

a mother's day gift for snehal - gorgeous photos of tulips - from her children


mother's day brunch at yew was a feast.  let's just say the lovely dinner stefan had planned was postponed because we ate way too much at brunch.  okay, we pigged out. the a la carte menu was divine and then there was the buffet full of treats like salmon, scallops, cheeses, olives, breads, and the list goes on.  we obviously have no self control.  thankfully i had the foresight to sweat it out first thing that morning at a bikram's class and then went for a 5km run. (i went a little crazy on the exercise) no wonder i had an appetite?!

not surprisingly, the rest of sunday was spent lazily in our green space under the pine trees playing games, reading, and relaxing.


               prezzies from my boys, my purple converse (!) and paper mache vase.
thank you kai, i love being your mama!

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