Friday, January 4, 2013

the new year...

it's really 2013. crazy how time flies bye... 2013, please don't go by too quickly.

photo taken by maya, my lovely and creative neice

and now, if you will indulge me, here are a few moments to recap my 2012... it's fun to remember.  a warning, it may take more than a few minutes to scroll through the pics!
we started our year on the mountain...

kai snowboarded, played soccer and joined the circus...

we said goodbye to our dear lovely neighbours...

at home, we played and relaxed...

and outdoors, we explored our beautiful city... so much goodness to be had.

we visited many coffee shops; maybe 2013 is the year for an at-home espresso maker?

early in the year kai had a fever that lasted longer than 24 hours (a first!) and i was freaked out.

i attended a photography class.

i introduced you to jude, our mischievous cat...

and the cats continued to amuse us...

our little cookie passed away.

we hung out with seals and bears...

and family too... on the island and in vancouver... throughout the year.

we discovered cartems dounterie and kumato tomatoes...

i visited seattle with a girlfriend (sans boys)...

with the boys, we traveled to tulum...

and santa monica...

i was possessive of my new comfy armchair (but am sharing it now... i especially like it when kai is squeezed in beside me).

the farmer's market became a staple (but we never abandoned granville island)...


and chocolate was a staple for my boys (as always)...

as are video games (much to my chagrin).

stefan and i attended many foodie events, indoor and out...


but i enjoyed his home cooked meals the most...

and the few times that i cooked, my boys ate it up. 

when summer came... i spent lovely days with kai...
my in-laws visited and we explored and played and relaxed...
and we visited my family in toronto too... 

and we went on our annual okanagan vacation.

we sailed for the first time.
september came and my little guy became nine years old and a fourth grader little man (who, thankfully, still likes a teddy bear)...

kai developed a love of music and started drum lessons.

with the fall came my birthday and a trip to galiano island...

i gave thanks to family and friends with whom we partied, dined, and adventured with...

and we had ourselves some halloween fun and visited a not so fun haunted house.

we loved whiling away hours playing board games...

and seeking out fun cultural activities like attending the cirque de soliel, the symphony, and the play the lion, the witch and wardrobe.

and then the cocoon of christmas.

i reflect on this year and give thanks. my resolution for 2013? letting go of hope and fear to be more present in the moment. 

thank you much and much for visiting and reading this little blog of mine...
wishing you all a happy new year! 

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