Thursday, July 19, 2012

my work

i love my job, providing counselling to women in crisis. i am often asked, 'how can you do this work?'  i think to myself, 'how can i not?' 
image from here
a crisis can shine a bright light on a women's life.  it challenges her to explore everything - her hopes, her relationships, her career, her plans, her family, her beliefs.  it can be a transformational experience.  she gets to choose the path she walks - for the better.  standing by women in this process is a privilege.  it's amazing.

sometimes someone comes along and her story touches me in a way i do not expect.  i am overwhelmed by her pain and sadness.  i want to 'fix' what's wrong but i know i can't.  sometimes life happens to her that prevents her from choosing her own path.  it's difficult.

needless to say, it's been an emotional couple of days at work.  i want to give a shout out to the awesome women i work with.  i am grateful to be doing work i love and to be doing it with you.

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