i'm sure you have noticed how little i blog these days.
it's actually been a pleasure to step away from the computer and be present
with my family, especially my little guy.
our minds are soaking up what is to come... our move to sweden. i am also hopelessly trying to sort the
contents of my house, readying them for the movers, while keeping the disarray
to a minimum. during this transition, i want to keep our house looking like a home as best as i can.
so, although i have posts that i want to write and share,
i leave you with this photo i took over the weekend... watching this couple
with their dog was a reminder to breathe a bit deeper and soak up the
moment. in the next few weeks you can picture me knee deep in
sorting, organizing and purging... preparing for the move. it will be nice to take time to
reevaluate what matters most.
i will continue to blog... just at a
slower pace. you can expect my weekend
pics and 52 weeks posts to continue these next few weeks with the hope of a third weekly post too :)
take care.
photo: taken during a walk along the seawall