Monday, June 13, 2016

stockholm weekend pics, sounds and taste of sweden

sodermalm was a great place to be on saturday.  while running errands - in preparation for my trip to toronto and vancouver - i enjoyed some live music when musicians took over the streets and parks for the make music stockholm festival.   we had fika at il caffe, just a few doors away from those guys above.  they were pretty awesome, the drummer was really into it which made it fun to watch.  then we met up with my french friend celine and her family for some drinks and tapas... a few leisurely hours were passed enjoying the sunshine and our surroundings.

on sunday we adventured with some lovely vancoverites. we biked out of the city towards gamla orangeriet bergianska, a sweet greenhouse cafe among botanical gardens.  we ate, we chatted, we may have shed a tear or two reminiscing about home - we're good! -  we walked the paths, we giggled at the sight of a cat being pushed about in a carriage, we adored the little baby ducks and secretly wanted to take them home with us.  it was a cozy and sweet few hours with laurie and her boys.

one of us had fika for lunch... i'm not saying if it was stefan or not.
it was so good that the rest of us shared a piece. 

then things got silly...




is it too much to ask for a repeat of this weekend?  you can't blame me... sounds of stockholm, organic fare in yet another countryside setting and favourite new friends. yes please :-) 
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