Tuesday, June 3, 2014

weekend pics

sometimes you are really taking it in. you see your son go off into the woods with a group of boys to mountain bike and you marvel at how happy he is to be active and outdoors.  you listen to him tell you that he is too old to go to the children's festival but once there excited to participate in the spin art, try his hand at stilt walking, and eat a chocolate covered banana.  you watch him patiently pass the time at the café, participating in conversation, creating a fun activity out of a soda can wrapper, and scouting out the pop-up shop for his mom - "mom's doing to love it up there." and you just know he is growing well.

le marche st george and the pop up summer shop




roasted pepper and goat cheese quiche


 this soft turkish throw and wooden spoon came home with me

vancouver children's festival




lynn canyon
while kai was mountain biking, stefan and i made our way through the woods.  we hiked in lynn canyon park and i was surprised.  i always thought of lynn canyon as a park for tourists - and there were many tourists - but wow (!) what a beautiful place.  we vancouverites should not leave it to the tourists alone to enjoy.  a suspension bridge takes you to numerous trails that meander into other parks allowing you to easily pass a lovely day hiking.  go!


can you spot stefan and i?

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